Learn About Medjugorje

Learn About Medjugorje

Medjugorje is a small village located in southwest part of Bosna and Herzegovina, about 12 miles from Croatian boarder.

World found out about Medjugorje when Virgin Mary appeared to a group of 6 children on a hill in 1981. Those apparitions are still happening to this day and are chronicled in many reports, documentaries and even feature films. In years to follow it has become popular catholic pilgrimage destination known for many miraculous healings and life altering stories. Millions of people from around the world visit Medjugorje every year in hope of finding peace, healing or strengthen their faith.

Specially around August, when "Festival of Youth" takes place. When thousands of young people from every corner of world come to celebrate their faith in God.

In 2019 pilgrimages to Medjugorje have been officially authorized by the Pope and Vatican.

Popular places to visit are: Podbrdo (Apparition Hill), Church of St James and brdo Krizevac (Krizevac Hill).



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